cloud-fan commented on code in PR #40446:

@@ -128,10 +131,23 @@ class EquivalentExpressions {
   // There are some special expressions that we should not recurse into all of 
its children.
   //   1. CodegenFallback: it's children will not be used to generate code 
(call eval() instead)
   //   2. ConditionalExpression: use its children that will always be 
-  private def childrenToRecurse(expr: Expression): Seq[Expression] = expr 
match {
-    case _: CodegenFallback => Nil
-    case c: ConditionalExpression => c.alwaysEvaluatedInputs
-    case other => other.children
+  private def childrenToRecurse(expr: Expression): Seq[Expression] = {
+    val alwaysEvaluated = expr match {
+      case _: CodegenFallback => Nil
+      case c: ConditionalExpression => c.alwaysEvaluatedInputs
+      case other => other.children

Review Comment:
   The tests are correct but I'm confused about why the code works... if `And` 
is a root expression, we blindly take all its children here, right?

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