Github user rxin commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    + * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    + * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +package org.apache.spark.sql
    +package catalyst
    +package expressions
    +import types._
    +object DumpByteCode {
    +  import scala.sys.process._
    +  val dumpDirectory = util.getTempFilePath("sparkSqlByteCode")
    +  dumpDirectory.mkdir()
    +  def apply(obj: Any): Unit = {
    +    val generatedClass = obj.getClass
    +    val classLoader =
    +      generatedClass
    +        .getClassLoader
    +        .asInstanceOf[]
    +    val generatedBytes = classLoader.classBytes(generatedClass.getName)
    +    val packageDir = new, 
    +    if (!packageDir.exists()) { packageDir.mkdir() }
    +    val classFile =
    +      new, 
generatedClass.getName.split("\\.").last + ".class")
    +    val outfile = new
    +    outfile.write(generatedBytes)
    +    outfile.close()
    +    println(
    +      s"javap -p -v -classpath ${dumpDirectory.getCanonicalPath} 
    +  }
    +object CodeGeneration
    +class CodeGenerator extends Logging {
    +  import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
    +  import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
    +  import
    +  val toolBox = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader).mkToolBox()
    +  // TODO: Use typetags?
    +  val rowType = tq"org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Row"
    +  val mutableRowType = 
    +  val genericRowType = 
    +  val genericMutableRowType = 
    +  val projectionType = 
    +  val mutableProjectionType = 
    +  private val curId = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger()
    +  private val javaSeperator = "$"
    +  /**
    +   * Returns a term name that is unique within this instance of a 
    +   *
    +   * (Since we aren't in a macro context we do not seem to have access to 
the built in `freshName`
    +   * function.)
    +   */
    +  protected def freshName(prefix: String): TermName = {
    +    newTermName(s"$prefix$javaSeperator${curId.getAndIncrement}")
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Scala ASTs for evaluating an [[Expression]] given a [[Row]] of input.
    +   *
    +   * @param code The sequence of statements required to evaluate the 
    +   * @param nullTerm A term that holds a boolean value representing 
whether the expression evaluated
    +   *                 to null.
    +   * @param primitiveTerm A term for a possible primitive value of the 
result of the evaluation. Not
    +   *                      valid if `nullTerm` is set to `false`.
    +   * @param objectTerm An possibly boxed version of the result of 
evaluating this expression.
    +   */
    +  protected case class EvaluatedExpression(
    +      code: Seq[Tree],
    +      nullTerm: TermName,
    +      primitiveTerm: TermName,
    +      objectTerm: TermName) {
    +    def withObjectTerm = ???
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Given an expression tree returns the code required to determine both 
if the result is NULL
    +   * as well as the code required to compute the value.
    +   */
    +   def expressionEvaluator(e: Expression): EvaluatedExpression = {
    +    val primitiveTerm = freshName("primitiveTerm")
    +    val nullTerm = freshName("nullTerm")
    +    val objectTerm = freshName("objectTerm")
    +    implicit class Evaluate1(e: Expression) {
    +      def castOrNull(f: TermName => Tree, dataType: DataType): Seq[Tree] = 
    +        val eval = expressionEvaluator(e)
    +        eval.code ++
    +          q"""
    +          val $nullTerm = ${eval.nullTerm}
    +          val $primitiveTerm =
    +            if($nullTerm)
    +              ${defaultPrimitive(dataType)}
    +            else
    +              ${f(eval.primitiveTerm)}
    +        """.children
    +      }
    +    }
    +    implicit class Evaluate2(expressions: (Expression, Expression)) {
    +      /**
    +       * Short hand for generating binary evaluation code, which depends 
on two sub-evaluations of
    +       * the same type.  If either of the sub-expressions is null, the 
results of this computation
    +       * is assumed to be null.
    +       *
    +       * @param f a function from two primitive term names to a tree that 
evaluates them.
    +       */
    +      def evaluate(f: (TermName, TermName) => Tree): Seq[Tree] =
    +        evaluateAs(expressions._1.dataType)(f)
    +      def evaluateAs(resultType: DataType)(f: (TermName, TermName) => 
Tree): Seq[Tree] = {
    +        require(expressions._1.dataType == expressions._2.dataType,
    +          s"${expressions._1.dataType} != ${expressions._2.dataType}")
    +        val eval1 = expressionEvaluator(expressions._1)
    +        val eval2 = expressionEvaluator(expressions._2)
    +        val resultCode = f(eval1.primitiveTerm, eval2.primitiveTerm)
    +        eval1.code ++ eval2.code ++
    +        q"""
    +          val $nullTerm = ${eval1.nullTerm} || ${eval2.nullTerm}
    +          val $primitiveTerm: ${termForType(resultType)} =
    +            if($nullTerm) {
    +              ${defaultPrimitive(resultType)}
    +            } else {
    +              $resultCode.asInstanceOf[${termForType(resultType)}]
    +            }
    +        """.children : Seq[Tree]
    +      }
    +    }
    +    val inputTuple = newTermName(s"i")
    +    // TODO: Skip generation of null handling code when expression are not 
    +    val primitiveEvaluation: PartialFunction[Expression, Seq[Tree]] = {
    +      case b @ BoundReference(ordinal, _) =>
    +        q"""
    +          val $nullTerm: Boolean = $inputTuple.isNullAt($ordinal)
    +          val $primitiveTerm: ${termForType(b.dataType)} =
    +            if($nullTerm)
    +              ${defaultPrimitive(e.dataType)}
    +            else
    +              ${getColumn(inputTuple, b.dataType, ordinal)}
    +         """.children
    +      case expressions.Literal(null, dataType) =>
    +        q"""
    +          val $nullTerm = true
    +          val $primitiveTerm: ${termForType(dataType)} = 
    +         """.children
    +      case expressions.Literal(value: Boolean, dataType) =>
    +        q"""
    +          val $nullTerm = ${value == null}
    +          val $primitiveTerm: ${termForType(dataType)} = $value
    +         """.children
    +      case expressions.Literal(value: String, dataType) =>
    +        q"""
    +          val $nullTerm = ${value == null}
    +          val $primitiveTerm: ${termForType(dataType)} = $value
    +         """.children
    +      case expressions.Literal(value: Int, dataType) =>
    +        q"""
    +          val $nullTerm = ${value == null}
    +          val $primitiveTerm: ${termForType(dataType)} = $value
    +         """.children
    +      case expressions.Literal(value: Long, dataType) =>
    +        q"""
    +          val $nullTerm = ${value == null}
    +          val $primitiveTerm: ${termForType(dataType)} = $value
    +         """.children
    +      case Cast(e @ BinaryType(), StringType) =>
    +        val eval = expressionEvaluator(e)
    +        eval.code ++
    +          q"""
    +          val $nullTerm = ${eval.nullTerm}
    +          val $primitiveTerm =
    +            if($nullTerm)
    +              ${defaultPrimitive(StringType)}
    +            else
    +              new String(${eval.primitiveTerm}.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]])
    +        """.children
    +      case Cast(child @ NumericType(), IntegerType) =>
    +        child.castOrNull(c => q"$c.toInt", IntegerType)
    +      case Cast(child @ NumericType(), LongType) =>
    +        child.castOrNull(c => q"$c.toLong", LongType)
    +      case Cast(child @ NumericType(), DoubleType) =>
    +        child.castOrNull(c => q"$c.toDouble", DoubleType)
    +      case Cast(child @ NumericType(), FloatType) =>
    +        child.castOrNull(c => q"$c.toFloat", IntegerType)
    +      case Cast(e, StringType) =>
    +        val eval = expressionEvaluator(e)
    +        eval.code ++
    +        q"""
    +          val $nullTerm = ${eval.nullTerm}
    +          val $primitiveTerm =
    +            if($nullTerm)
    +              ${defaultPrimitive(StringType)}
    +            else
    +              ${eval.primitiveTerm}.toString
    +        """.children
    +      case Equals(e1, e2) =>
    +        (e1, e2).evaluateAs (BooleanType) { case (eval1, eval2) => 
q"$eval1 == $eval2" }
    +      case In(e1, list) if 
!list.exists(!_.isInstanceOf[expressions.Literal]) =>
    +        val eval = expressionEvaluator(e1)
    +        val checks = {
    +          case expressions.Literal(v: String, dataType) =>
    +            q"if(${eval.primitiveTerm} == $v) return true"
    +          case expressions.Literal(v: Int, dataType) =>
    +            q"if(${eval.primitiveTerm} == $v) return true"
    +        }
    +        val funcName = newTermName(s"isIn${curId.getAndIncrement()}")
    +        q"""
    +            def $funcName: Boolean = {
    +              ..${eval.code}
    +              if(${eval.nullTerm}) return false
    +              ..$checks
    +              return false
    +            }
    +            val $nullTerm = false
    +            val $primitiveTerm = $funcName
    +        """.children
    +      case GreaterThan(e1 @ NumericType(), e2 @ NumericType()) =>
    +        (e1, e2).evaluateAs (BooleanType) { case (eval1, eval2) => 
q"$eval1 > $eval2" }
    +      case GreaterThanOrEqual(e1 @ NumericType(), e2 @ NumericType()) =>
    +        (e1, e2).evaluateAs (BooleanType) { case (eval1, eval2) => 
q"$eval1 >= $eval2" }
    +      case LessThan(e1 @ NumericType(), e2 @ NumericType()) =>
    +        (e1, e2).evaluateAs (BooleanType) { case (eval1, eval2) => 
q"$eval1 < $eval2" }
    +      case LessThanOrEqual(e1 @ NumericType(), e2 @ NumericType()) =>
    +        (e1, e2).evaluateAs (BooleanType) { case (eval1, eval2) => 
q"$eval1 <= $eval2" }
    +      case And(e1, e2) =>
    +        val eval1 = expressionEvaluator(e1)
    +        val eval2 = expressionEvaluator(e2)
    +        eval1.code ++ eval2.code ++
    +        q"""
    +          var $nullTerm = false
    +          var $primitiveTerm: ${termForType(BooleanType)} = false
    +          if ((!${eval1.nullTerm} && !${eval1.primitiveTerm}) ||
    +              (!${eval2.nullTerm} && !${eval2.primitiveTerm})) {
    +            $nullTerm = false
    +            $primitiveTerm = false
    +          } else if (${eval1.nullTerm} || ${eval2.nullTerm} ) {
    +            $nullTerm = true
    +          } else {
    +            $nullTerm = false
    +            $primitiveTerm = true
    +          }
    +         """.children
    +      case Or(e1, e2) =>
    +        val eval1 = expressionEvaluator(e1)
    +        val eval2 = expressionEvaluator(e2)
    +        eval1.code ++ eval2.code ++
    +          q"""
    +          var $nullTerm = false
    +          var $primitiveTerm: ${termForType(BooleanType)} = false
    +          if ((!${eval1.nullTerm} && ${eval1.primitiveTerm}) ||
    +              (!${eval2.nullTerm} && ${eval2.primitiveTerm})) {
    +            $nullTerm = false
    +            $primitiveTerm = true
    +          } else if (${eval1.nullTerm} || ${eval2.nullTerm} ) {
    +            $nullTerm = true
    +          } else {
    +            $nullTerm = false
    +            $primitiveTerm = false
    +          }
    +         """.children
    +      case Not(child) =>
    +        // Uh, bad function name...
    +        child.castOrNull(c => q"!$c", BooleanType)
    +      case Add(e1, e2) =>      (e1, e2) evaluate { case (eval1, eval2) => 
q"$eval1 + $eval2" }
    +      case Subtract(e1, e2) => (e1, e2) evaluate { case (eval1, eval2) => 
q"$eval1 - $eval2" }
    +      case Multiply(e1, e2) => (e1, e2) evaluate { case (eval1, eval2) => 
q"$eval1 * $eval2" }
    +      case Divide(e1, e2) =>   (e1, e2) evaluate { case (eval1, eval2) => 
q"$eval1 / $eval2" }
    +      case IsNotNull(e) =>
    +        val eval = expressionEvaluator(e)
    +        q"""
    +          ..${eval.code}
    +          var $nullTerm = false
    +          var $primitiveTerm: ${termForType(BooleanType)} = 
    +        """.children
    +      case IsNull(e) =>
    +        val eval = expressionEvaluator(e)
    +        q"""
    +          ..${eval.code}
    +          var $nullTerm = false
    +          var $primitiveTerm: ${termForType(BooleanType)} = 
    +        """.children
    +      case c @ Coalesce(children) =>
    +        q"""
    +          var $nullTerm = true
    +          var $primitiveTerm: ${termForType(c.dataType)} = 
    +        """.children ++
    + { c =>
    +          val eval = expressionEvaluator(c)
    +          q"""
    +            if($nullTerm) {
    +              ..${eval.code}
    +              if(!${eval.nullTerm}) {
    +                $nullTerm = false
    +                $primitiveTerm = ${eval.primitiveTerm}
    +              }
    +            }
    +           """
    +        }
    +      case i @ expressions.If(condition, trueValue, falseValue) =>
    +        val condEval = expressionEvaluator(condition)
    +        val trueEval = expressionEvaluator(trueValue)
    +        val falseEval = expressionEvaluator(falseValue)
    +        q"""
    +          var $nullTerm = false
    +          var $primitiveTerm: ${termForType(i.dataType)} = 
    +          ..${condEval.code}
    +          if(!${condEval.nullTerm} && ${condEval.primitiveTerm}) {
    +            ..${trueEval.code}
    +            $nullTerm = ${trueEval.nullTerm}
    +            $primitiveTerm = ${trueEval.primitiveTerm}
    +          } else {
    +            ..${falseEval.code}
    +            $nullTerm = ${falseEval.nullTerm}
    +            $primitiveTerm = ${falseEval.primitiveTerm}
    +          }
    +        """.children
    +      case SubString(str, start, end) =>
    +        val stringEval = expressionEvaluator(str)
    +        val startEval = expressionEvaluator(start)
    +        val endEval = expressionEvaluator(end)
    +        stringEval.code ++ startEval.code ++ endEval.code ++
    +        q"""
    +          var $nullTerm = ${stringEval.nullTerm}
    +          var $primitiveTerm: String =
    +            if($nullTerm) {
    +              null
    +            } else {
    +              val len =
    +                if(${endEval.primitiveTerm} <= 
    +                  ${endEval.primitiveTerm}
    +                else
    +                  ${stringEval.primitiveTerm}.length
${stringEval.primitiveTerm}.substring(${startEval.primitiveTerm}, len)
    +            }
    +        """.children
    +    }
    +    // If there was no match in the partial function above, we fall back 
on calling the interpreted
    +    // expression evaluator.
    +    val code: Seq[Tree] =
    +      primitiveEvaluation.lift.apply(e)
    +        .getOrElse {
    +          logger.debug(s"No rules to generate $e")
    +          val tree = reify { e }
    +          q"""
    +            val $objectTerm = $tree.eval(i)
    +            val $nullTerm = $objectTerm == null
    +            val $primitiveTerm = 
    +          """.children
    +        }
    +     EvaluatedExpression(code, nullTerm, primitiveTerm, objectTerm)
    +  }
    +  protected def getColumn(inputRow: TermName, dataType: DataType, ordinal: 
Int) = {
    +    dataType match {
    +      case dt @ NativeType() => 
    +      case _ => 
    +    }
    +  }
    +  protected def setColumn(
    +      destinationRow: TermName,
    +      dataType: DataType,
    +      ordinal: Int,
    +      value: TermName) = {
    +    dataType match {
    +      case dt @ NativeType() => 
q"$destinationRow.${mutatorForType(dt)}($ordinal, $value)"
    +      case _ => q"$destinationRow.update($ordinal, $value)"
    +    }
    +  }
    +  protected def accessorForType(dt: DataType) = 
    +  protected def mutatorForType(dt: DataType) = 
    +  protected def primitiveForType(dt: DataType) = dt match {
    +    case IntegerType => "Int"
    +    case LongType => "Long"
    +    case ShortType => "Short"
    +    case ByteType => "Byte"
    +    case DoubleType => "Double"
    +    case FloatType => "Float"
    +    case BooleanType => "Boolean"
    +    case StringType => "String"
    +  }
    +  protected def defaultPrimitive(dt: DataType) = dt match {
    +    case BooleanType => ru.Literal(Constant(false))
    +    case FloatType => ru.Literal(Constant(-1.0.toFloat))
    +    case StringType => ru.Literal(Constant("<uninit>"))
    +    case ShortType => ru.Literal(Constant(-1.toShort))
    +    case LongType => ru.Literal(Constant(1L))
    +    case ByteType => ru.Literal(Constant(-1.toByte))
    +    case DoubleType => ru.Literal(Constant(-1.toDouble))
    +    case DecimalType => ru.Literal(Constant(-1)) // Will get implicity 
converted as needed.
    +    case IntegerType => ru.Literal(Constant(-1))
    +    case _ => ru.Literal(Constant(null))
    +  }
    +  protected def termForType(dt: DataType) = dt match {
    +    case n: NativeType => n.tag
    +    case _ => typeTag[Any]
    +  }
    +object GenerateOrdering extends CodeGenerator {
    +  import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
    +  import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
    +  // TODO: Should be weak references... bounded in size.
    +  val orderingCache = new collection.mutable.HashMap[Seq[SortOrder], 
    +  // TODO: Safe to fire up multiple instances of the compiler?
    +  def apply(ordering: Seq[SortOrder]): Ordering[Row] = 
CodeGeneration.synchronized {
    +    val cleanedExpression =[Seq[SortOrder]]
    +    orderingCache.getOrElseUpdate(cleanedExpression, 
    +  }
    +  def createOrdering(ordering: Seq[SortOrder]): Ordering[Row] = {
    +    val a = newTermName("a")
    +    val b = newTermName("b")
    +    val comparisons = { case (order, i) =>
    +      val evalA = expressionEvaluator(order.child)
    +      val evalB = expressionEvaluator(order.child)
    +      q"""
    +        i = $a
    +        ..${evalA.code}
    +        i = $b
    +        ..${evalB.code}
    +        if (${evalA.nullTerm} && ${evalB.nullTerm}) {
    +          // Nothing
    +        } else if (${evalA.nullTerm}) {
    +          return ${if (order.direction == Ascending) q"-1" else q"1"}
    +        } else if (${evalB.nullTerm}) {
    +          return ${if (order.direction == Ascending) q"1" else q"-1"}
    +        } else {
    +          i = a
    +          val comp = ${evalA.primitiveTerm} - ${evalB.primitiveTerm}
    +          if(comp != 0) return comp.toInt
    +        }
    +      """
    +    }
    +    val q"class $orderingName extends $orderingType { ..$body }" = reify {
    +      class SpecificOrdering extends Ordering[Row] {
    +        val o = ordering
    +      }
    +    }.tree.children.head
    +    val code = q"""
    +      class $orderingName extends $orderingType {
    +        ..$body
    +        def compare(a: $rowType, b: $rowType): Int = {
    +          var i: $rowType = null // Holds current row being evaluated.
    +          ..$comparisons
    +          return 0
    +        }
    +      }
    +      new $orderingName()
    +      """
    +    toolBox.eval(code).asInstanceOf[Ordering[Row]]
    +  }
    +// Canonicalize the expressions those those that differ only by names can 
reuse the same code.
    +object ExpressionCanonicalizer extends rules.RuleExecutor[Expression] {
    +  val batches =
    +    Batch("CleanExpressions", FixedPoint(20), CleanExpressions) :: Nil
    +  object CleanExpressions extends rules.Rule[Expression] {
    +    def apply(e: Expression): Expression = e transform {
    +      case BoundReference(o, a) =>
    +        BoundReference(o, AttributeReference("a", a.dataType, 
a.nullable)(exprId = ExprId(0)))
    +      case Alias(c, _) => c
    +    }
    +  }
    +object GenerateCondition extends CodeGenerator {
    +  import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
    +  import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
    +  // TODO: Should be weak references... bounded in size.
    +  val conditionCache = new collection.mutable.HashMap[Expression, (Row) => 
    --- End diff --
    guava has a nice cache we can use here

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