Github user wzhfy commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    + * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    + * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.statsEstimation
    +import scala.collection.mutable
    +import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.CatalystConf
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, AttributeMap, 
AttributeReference, Expression}
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.planning.ExtractEquiJoinKeys
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans._
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{ColumnStat, Join, 
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType
    +object JoinEstimation extends Logging {
    +  /**
    +   * Estimate statistics after join. Return `None` if the join type is not 
supported, or we don't
    +   * have enough statistics for estimation.
    +   */
    +  def estimate(conf: CatalystConf, join: Join): Option[Statistics] = {
    +    join.joinType match {
    +      case Inner | Cross | LeftOuter | RightOuter | FullOuter =>
    +        InnerOuterEstimation(conf, join).doEstimate()
    +      case LeftSemi | LeftAnti =>
    +        LeftSemiAntiEstimation(conf, join).doEstimate()
    +      case _ =>
    +        logDebug(s"[CBO] Unsupported join type: ${join.joinType}")
    +        None
    +    }
    +  }
    +case class InnerOuterEstimation(conf: CatalystConf, join: Join) extends 
Logging {
    +  private val leftStats = join.left.stats(conf)
    +  private val rightStats = join.right.stats(conf)
    +  /**
    +   * Estimate output size and number of rows after a join operator, and 
update output column stats.
    +   */
    +  def doEstimate(): Option[Statistics] = join match {
    +    case _ if !rowCountsExist(conf, join.left, join.right) =>
    +      None
    +    case ExtractEquiJoinKeys(joinType, leftKeys, rightKeys, condition, 
left, right) =>
    +      // 1. Compute join selectivity
    +      val joinKeyPairs = extractJoinKeys(leftKeys, rightKeys)
    +      val selectivity = joinSelectivity(joinKeyPairs, leftStats, 
    +      // 2. Estimate the number of output rows
    +      val leftRows = leftStats.rowCount.get
    +      val rightRows = rightStats.rowCount.get
    +      val innerRows = ceil(BigDecimal(leftRows * rightRows) * selectivity)
    +      // Make sure outputRows won't be too small based on join type.
    +      val outputRows = joinType match {
    +        case LeftOuter =>
    +          // All rows from left side should be in the result.
    +          leftRows.max(innerRows)
    +        case RightOuter =>
    +          // All rows from right side should be in the result.
    +          rightRows.max(innerRows)
    +        case FullOuter =>
    +          // Simulate full outer join as obtaining the number of elements 
in the union of two
    +          // finite sets: A \cup B = A + B - A \cap B => A FOJ B = A + B - 
    +          // But the "inner join" part can be much larger than A \cap B, 
making the simulated
    +          // result much smaller. To prevent this, we choose the larger 
one between the simulated
    +          // part and the inner part.
    +          (leftRows + rightRows - innerRows).max(innerRows)
    +        case _ =>
    +          // Don't change for inner or cross join
    +          innerRows
    +      }
    +      // 3. Update statistics based on the output of join
    +      val intersectedStats = if (selectivity == 0) {
    +        AttributeMap[ColumnStat](Nil)
    +      } else {
    +        updateIntersectedStats(joinKeyPairs, leftStats, rightStats)
    +      }
    +      val inputAttrStats = AttributeMap(
    +        leftStats.attributeStats.toSeq ++ rightStats.attributeStats.toSeq)
    +      val attributesWithStat = join.output.filter(a => 
    +      val (fromLeft, fromRight) = 
    +      val outputStats: Map[Attribute, ColumnStat] = join.joinType match {
    +        case LeftOuter =>
    +          // Don't update column stats for attributes from left side.
    + => (a, inputAttrStats(a))).toMap ++
    +            updateAttrStats(outputRows, fromRight, inputAttrStats, 
    +        case RightOuter =>
    +          // Don't update column stats for attributes from right side.
    +          updateAttrStats(outputRows, fromLeft, inputAttrStats, 
intersectedStats) ++
    +   => (a, inputAttrStats(a))).toMap
    +        case FullOuter =>
    +          // Don't update column stats for attributes from both sides.
    + => (a, inputAttrStats(a))).toMap
    +        case _ =>
    +          // Update column stats from both sides for inner or cross join.
    +          updateAttrStats(outputRows, attributesWithStat, inputAttrStats, 
    +      }
    +      val outputAttrStats = AttributeMap(outputStats.toSeq)
    +      Some(Statistics(
    +        sizeInBytes = getOutputSize(join.output, outputRows, 
    +        rowCount = Some(outputRows),
    +        attributeStats = outputAttrStats,
    +        isBroadcastable = false))
    +    case _ =>
    +      // When there is no equi-join condition, we do estimation like 
cartesian product.
    +      val inputAttrStats = AttributeMap(
    +        leftStats.attributeStats.toSeq ++ rightStats.attributeStats.toSeq)
    +      // Propagate the original column stats
    +      val outputAttrStats = getOutputMap(inputAttrStats, join.output)
    +      val outputRows = leftStats.rowCount.get * rightStats.rowCount.get
    +      Some(Statistics(
    +        sizeInBytes = getOutputSize(join.output, outputRows, 
    +        rowCount = Some(outputRows),
    +        attributeStats = outputAttrStats,
    +        isBroadcastable = false))
    +  }
    +  // scalastyle:off
    +  /**
    +   * The number of rows of A inner join B on A.k1 = B.k1 is estimated by 
this basic formula:
    +   * T(A IJ B) = T(A) * T(B) / max(V(A.k1), V(B.k1)), where V is the 
number of distinct values of
    +   * that column. The underlying assumption for this formula is: each 
value of the smaller domain
    +   * is included in the larger domain.
    +   * Generally, inner join with multiple join keys can also be estimated 
based on the above
    +   * formula:
    +   * T(A IJ B) = T(A) * T(B) / (max(V(A.k1), V(B.k1)) * max(V(A.k2), 
V(B.k2)) * ... * max(V(, V(
    +   * However, the denominator can become very large and excessively reduce 
the result, so we use a
    +   * conservative strategy to take only the largest max(V(, V( 
as the denominator.
    +   */
    +  // scalastyle:on
    +  def joinSelectivity(
    +      joinKeyPairs: Seq[(AttributeReference, AttributeReference)],
    +      leftStats: Statistics,
    +      rightStats: Statistics): BigDecimal = {
    +    var ndvDenom: BigInt = -1
    +    var i = 0
    +    while(i < joinKeyPairs.length && ndvDenom != 0) {
    +      val (leftKey, rightKey) = joinKeyPairs(i)
    +      // Do estimation if we have enough statistics
    +      if (columnStatsExist((leftStats, leftKey), (rightStats, rightKey))) {
    +        // Check if the two sides are disjoint
    +        val leftKeyStats = leftStats.attributeStats(leftKey)
    +        val rightKeyStats = rightStats.attributeStats(rightKey)
    +        val lRange = Range(leftKeyStats.min, leftKeyStats.max, 
    +        val rRange = Range(rightKeyStats.min, rightKeyStats.max, 
    +        if (Range.isIntersected(lRange, rRange)) {
    +          // Get the largest ndv among pairs of join keys
    +          val maxNdv = 
    +          if (maxNdv > ndvDenom) ndvDenom = maxNdv
    +        } else {
    +          // Set ndvDenom to zero to indicate that this join should have 
no output
    +          ndvDenom = 0
    +        }
    +      }
    +      i += 1
    +    }
    +    if (ndvDenom < 0) {
    +      // There isn't join keys or column stats for any of the join key 
pairs, we do estimation like
    +      // cartesian product.
    +      1
    +    } else if (ndvDenom == 0) {
    +      // One of the join key pairs is disjoint, thus the two sides of join 
is disjoint.
    +      0
    +    } else {
    +      1 / BigDecimal(ndvDenom)
    +    }
    +  }
    +  /** Update column stats for output attributes. */
    +  private def updateAttrStats(
    +      outputRows: BigInt,
    +      attributes: Seq[Attribute],
    +      oldAttrStats: AttributeMap[ColumnStat],
    +      joinKeyStats: AttributeMap[ColumnStat]): AttributeMap[ColumnStat] = {
    +    val outputAttrStats = new mutable.HashMap[Attribute, ColumnStat]()
    +    val leftRows = leftStats.rowCount.get
    +    val rightRows = rightStats.rowCount.get
    +    if (outputRows == 0) {
    +      // empty output
    +      attributes.foreach(a => outputAttrStats.put(a, 
    --- End diff --
    we may union this plan with the other plan, then empty column stats is 
useful. Now we don't support union estimation because it's difficult to 
estimate distinct count after union.

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