Github user mccheah commented on the issue:
    @cloud-fan @tgravescs was wondering if we could get an ETA on this landing?
    Also, I tried running something analogous to the example script from the 
description of, but for RDDs. 
However, it did not manifest the correctness problem even before this patch was 
applied. Are there any ways to reliably reproduce this with a minimal script?
    The below script is run in my Spark shell, Spark standalone mode 
single-node cluster with 2 workers, client mode, with the external shuffle 
service enabled. It does not reproduce the issue.
    import scala.sys.process._
    import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
    val res = sc.parallelize(0 until 1000 * 1000, 1).coalesce(200, shuffle = 
true).map { x =>
    }.coalesce(200, shuffle = true).map { x =>
      if (TaskContext.get.attemptNumber == 0 && TaskContext.get.partitionId < 
2) {
        throw new Exception("pkill -f -n java".!!) // Kills the newest Java 
process, ideally the executors


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