There are several important KV components such as AAE and Search with which TS 
integration has not been sufficiently tested.  At this time we still recommend 
running multiple clusters as mixed use workloads in Riak TS are currently not 

Your internal testing may reveal that small supporting KV datasets may work as 
expected and allow you to augment your TS data in a single cluster.  We are 
interested in your results as this will help us to improve and expand Riak TS 
moving forward.


> On Oct 12, 2016, at 1:04 PM, Junk, Damion A <> wrote:
> So are you suggesting that it's not advisable to use even KV backed by 
> LevelDB in a TS instance, or is it more that performance is unknown and 
> therefore not guaranteed / supported?  If the data is otherwise "safe", this 
> may still be a better option for us than running separate clusters. 
> Are others who need both a general KV store and the TS functionality running 
> multiple clusters to handle this use case?
> Thanks for the quick reply!
> Damion
>> On Oct 12, 2016, at 11:53 AM, John Daily <> wrote:
>> We have not done any work to support the multi-backend, hence the error 
>> you’re seeing. TS depends exclusively on leveldb.
>> We’re not recommending the use of KV functionality in the TS product yet, 
>> because the latter is still changing rapidly and we will need to go back and 
>> fix some basic KV mechanisms. We’re also not yet sure of the performance 
>> characteristics if both KV and TS are in use under heavy load.
>> In short: I apologize, but we’re not really ready to support your use case 
>> yet.
>> -John
>>> On Oct 12, 2016, at 12:17 PM, Junk, Damion A <> wrote:
>>> Hello all -
>>> I was wondering if it is possible to use RiakTS with a multi-backend 
>>> configuration. 
>>> I have an existing set of applications using RiakKV and Bitcask, but we're 
>>> now wanting to start using some of the TS features on a new project. 
>>> Setting up the multi-backend configuration with TS seems to work fine (our 
>>> app existing app reads the Bitcask buckets and SOLR indices without issue), 
>>> and we can even create a TS schema. We have LevelDB as the default backend, 
>>> so presumably this is what was used during the "create table" query.
>>> When trying to query the TS table, we're seeing:
>>> 2016-10-12 10:02:41.372 [error] <0.1410.0> gen_fsm <0.1410.0> in state 
>>> active terminated with reason: call to undefined function 
>>> riak_kv_multi_backend:range_scan/4 from riak_kv_vnode:list/7 line 1875
>>> And then in the client code, no return until finally an Exception (Riak 
>>> Java Client).
>>> Thanks for any assistance!
>>> Damion
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