Armel wrote:
>You may translate in (delta d)/d if you want.

Armel's argument about "peak width" and "structure solution" must be very
confusing for the non-crystallographers on the neutron mailing list to whom
he directed his remarks. Almost all neutron powder work is about refining
details of structures NOT "solving" unknown ones - important details that
were probably missed by Armel's "solution" :-)  Such work regularly leads
to highly cited papers in PRL, Nature etc. 

All these numbers remind me of a current UK TV advertisement for a French
car, the Renault Clio.  A pretty girl with a French accent holds an
extended tape measure to her hips and says knowingly, "4 cm, it makes all
the difference", while in the background her boyfriend speeds around in the
car, which is supposed to be bigger than last year's model.  The joke is
that the Clio is one of the smallest cars in Europe !  (And people who buy
them are always trying to pass me on the highway).

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> tel (33)  fax (33)

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