> the Rietveld mailing list is still where the best knowledgeable is

That's encouraging Alan. Thanks. Concerning the number of posts you are
right - there are fewer now. I would like to think it's because we have an
archive now, and people profit from past answers rather than asking the
same questions over again, which used to be common. Or perhaps its because
there are now more channels of information.

While the number of posts has diminished, the number of members has grown
continually. There are now more than 1500, but some well known names only
post when they see a particularly interesting question. Whenever there is a
good question, we receive good answers.

As for insults, I thought Radovan's "cleavage between Troglodytes and
Tweeters" was quite amusing. And every time we have a little controversy,
we get new members.

One shouldn't assume that because fewer people post, there are fewer people
interested. But certainly prepare a graph if you wish. Just don't post it
to all 1500+ members :-)

Kind regards, Alan.
*   Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE *
<alan.he...@neutronoptics.com> +33.476.98.41.68
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