Dear colleagues,
I used in the past the checkcell program.
I have a version more than 10 years old, and cannot find online a more recent 
one (or any site to actually download any version of the program from Germany).

- Does anyone know if a recent version exist, and where to find it?
- Does anyone know an alternative software to use ? Note that this is mostly 
for teaching purposes; I know many programs can browse through all space groups 
and help find the best candidates. But I think checkcell had the advantage of 
being graphical, i.e. one could have the students play around with the 
different space groups and see what extinctions would exist and whether they 
would match the experimental data.

Thanks in advance

Kind regards


Prof. Dr. Matteo Bianchini
Lehrstuhlinhaber Anorganische Aktivmaterialien für elektrochemische 
Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften
Bayerisches Zentrum für Batterietechnik 
Universität Bayreuth
Universitätstraße 30 / Gebäude NWI, Raum 2.0.U1.09
D-95447 Bayreuth
Telefon: +49 (0) 921 / 55-4380
Twitter: @MBianchini87<>

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