Quoting Geert Bevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I have added this method and changed the authentication classes to  
> use it. Those useless ClassCastExceptions are now thus a thing of the  
> past ;-)

On a slightly different note, I've managed to implement a custom 
authentication element. The trick to doing this was understanding how 
inheritance works, especially how "child" elements are triggered. 

I did realise that the "childtrigger" variable had to be passed around 
but, at the same time, was puzzled that the URL was not updated to 
include that variable after a successful login and the value of the 
variable set with "setOutput()". By adding an EXIT:QUERY:xxx to 
the "child" element's template, I could then see that the variable was 
being included in it. Which made things much clearer after that.

Above all, the "declic" came when I remembered Geert's words: 
(paraphrased) "The URL is the state!"

Now that the proof of concept seems to be working, I'm on my way to using 
RIFE full time.

I would like to point Geert and the hard-working team to the JPOX web 
site for getting ideas on how to document the project. Let's face it, 
RIFE is going to be used mostly by developers. It is pointless at this 
time, especially with the lack of documenters, to attempt to write a full 
user guide. I think it is sufficient to provide technical overviews of 
the engine in the way JPOX does it (e.g. see 
http://www.jpox.org/docs/1_1/developer/persistence_manager.html) and some 
simple USE-case scenarios.

Again, thank you for your help, Geert.


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