John Moore wrote:
As I've spent a long time trying to ensure that the set of web technologies I work with next are the right ones, I have a couple of questions about RIFE which I'd like to hear people's responses to. The questions are not meant in any way as a troll, or as an attempt to disparage - I am just expressing genuine questions I have in my head.

1. If RIFE is really all it appears to be (e.g., a complete answer to the questions Ruby on Rails has posed to the Java community), how come it is not more widely used? It is still a very minor player (whether or not this is justified). I was wondering why this might be. Could it be to do with its Belgian (i.e., non-US) origins?

It's true that I first heard about RIFE following the Blah Blah list "controversy", but I have never thought of it as a RoR alternative. For me, RIFE is just a web framework, but not one of those that give me the urge to go and write my own.

However, as strange as this may sound, I think its Belgian origins also have something to do with its lack of popularity. I think that the IT industry in the US is driven by hype, and since most of it originates from the US, a Belgian web framework does not get to be in the spotlight.

2. How long do you think it would take a reasonably experienced Java developer, who has worked mainly with the Struts/Spring/Hibernate approach to web apps, to get comfortable and productive with RIFE's very different way of thinking/working?

One day, if you use all the resources available (wiki, mailing list, IRC) to find the answers quickly.

3. Are there any tips anyone could give me about how to start 'thinking in RIFE'? I.e., how to approach the design of a web application with RIFE in mind. Perhaps something along the lines of planning it as a flow diagram, thinking of possible exits from each page view?

Forget about session variables, think in application state.

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