Hi Oliver,

welcome on the list! (we already chatted a bit on IRC)

I`currently working on my Bachelor Thesis in Computer Science and use RIFE as the Target Framework for an
MDSD (Model Driven Software Development) Tool as an Eclipse Plugin.

That's the interesting part ;-)

The Thesis will contain a Eclipse Plug-In to model a web application and generate the application from the model. If i can get it the generation process will take care to do not overwrite the parts written by the developer. One Option to do this is by using Protected
Areas, but that will be done in 1-2 weeks.

Did you ever consider to not generate everything, but to evaluate your model at run-time, using a set of well defined APIs and hooks and a component model for customization and integration? That's the approach we took with RIFE/Crud. The advantage is that the developer never is able to accidently change something he shouldn't, simply because there's no generated code to change. His source repository is also not cluttered with a wealth of files he didn't write himself. I think that when you generate something from a visual schema, you should allow full roundtrip editing so that changes that are made to the sources are reflected in the UI.

That's just my take on the topic ;-)

I try to make it abstract to be used with other web framework (or even RoR). But at the
moment i only support RIFE.

The Version in my thesis will only contain the basic functionality, because lack of time. But after the thesis i will contribute the sources to RIFE to be extenden and hopefully be

The Thesis will end on 24.2.2006 and i will hopefully finish before the 15.2. After this i have to held my colloquium and then I`m finished. (If nothing goes wrong.)

That's very short notice. The best of luck with your project and if you need suggestions, help or are stuck, don't hesitate to speak up.

I believe so too; and people like Bruce Tate are singing it's
praises... and if you already know java, you don't have a lot of
reasons for not using Rife as-is now; and it will only get better :)

correct :)

Don't forget the conference talks. RIFE is really going places nowadays. Two talks at JavaPolis next week. Two talks at TheServerSide Symposium in March, and there's a good chance that I'll speak at JavaOne in May too (someone on the expert team contacted me to make sure a proposal was submitted for RIFE, since the were interested in the topic).

Best regards,


Geert Bevin                       Uwyn bvba
"Use what you need"               Avenue de Scailmont 34
http://www.uwyn.com               7170 Manage, Belgium
gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com    Tel +32 64 84 80 03

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