
a short answer from a RIFE Newbie :)

1. If RIFE is really all it appears to be (e.g., a complete answer to the questions Ruby on Rails has posed to the Java community), how come it is not more widely used? It is still a very minor player (whether or not this is justified). I was wondering why this might be. Could it be to do with its Belgian (i.e., non-US) origins?

Don`t know why it is not wider adopted, i think it is not because it`s from belgium. Many developers looking for alternative web frameworks these days. RoR got this hype because it has the quickest startup you can get. (RIFE is as quick as RoR with RIFE/ Jumpstart as I later learned). A lot of developers left the java trail and used the quick and dirty ones. A lot of them have bad experiences with Struts and other big frameworks making it hard to earn your money. But that`s the same we have seen for some years with PHP, Holy Grail of Web Development.

RIFE will come slow but it will. It`s very interesting and don`t stand in your way. It`s not easy to learn, the docs are old at some places but the cookbook is fine. Support on IRC and List are excellent. RoR as an examples has the advantage that they have a written a big book with everything explained, without this a lot people won`t adopt so quick to RoR.

RIFE needs to get a bigger contributors/developer base. Maybe a book, some articles in the press. I think it`s better to grow slow and got instead of the quick hype that ends after two years.

2. How long do you think it would take a reasonably experienced Java developer, who has worked mainly with the Struts/Spring/ Hibernate approach to web apps, to get comfortable and productive with RIFE's very different way of thinking/working?

You can learn it really quick. Just stop trying to put the logic in the JSP. If started with it and loved it because i know if i start the next project with a team i don`t have to worry about a lot
of things. Clean seperation of thins, features i need and growing.

3. Are there any tips anyone could give me about how to start 'thinking in RIFE'? I.e., how to approach the design of a web application with RIFE in mind. Perhaps something along the lines of planning it as a flow diagram, thinking of possible exits from each page view?

Writing my Thesis about a Eclipse Plugin. It`s a Model Editor that generates a RIFE app, but i will write a Mail later ;)

cu odo

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