OK... Here is one question. What is a typical legitimate use of this feature? Right now, I use my own SessionManager to store user information (basically, an account bean representing the current user). This is not very different from a session variable as I cannot control the scope of the object (as outlined in your review of pros/cons of session variables). Would it be legitimate here to store this bean using the session storage?

Actually, the main use of this feature is storage of data on the server-side for performance, size, or security reasons. The semantics of the data in the state transitions are exactly the same as what you know with globalvars and datalinks, they just are stored in the session instead of in the query string or hidden form parameters. Note that this is totally different from regular session access, since each state transition gets a unique ID and the entire state is stored in the session. This makes the back button and bookmarking still work, as long as the session isn't purged.

Why are so many projects bragging about things that RIFE does easier and more consistently? I don't know, but it's frustrating indeed. A notable entry there is Jetty 6's 'continuations' feature that aren't even continuations at all, but parked requests.

Blogosphere destroys individuality and any chance of individual thought. Nowadays, if someone is a good writer/speaker, he/she can pass anything as the absolute thruth by introducing it in the blogosphere.

Hence why we need more people blogging about RIFE! (hint, hint) ;-)
Geert Bevin                       Uwyn bvba
"Use what you need"               Avenue de Scailmont 34
http://www.uwyn.com               7170 Manage, Belgium
gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com    Tel +32 64 84 80 03

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