----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Nathan Royce" <nroycea+...@gmail.com>
To: "Olivier Soldano" <olivier.sold...@savoirfairelinux.com>
Sent: Monday, August 7, 2017 4:00:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Ring] Gnome Contact Names

Maybe it would be better to show you some of the issues I've encountered:
(3 videos showing android and gnome side-by-side (android via miracast))

Video 1:
It starts with the message doubling on android coming from gnome.
Shortly after, you'll see that doubled message somehow turn single (no
idea what made it change. usually it's after I've closed/reopened ring
on android).
Next, even though I type a message on android and send, for some
reason it doesn't even send (or even get displayed that the message
was created).
Then when I type my next message, it and the previous message are
displayed, but neither send.
As you can see in gnome, I HAVE been able to send messages from android before.
Later I try blocking contact on android and have no idea if it's even
implemented. The contact remains and even switches name to the native
android contact I created.

Video 2:
I encounter WebKitWebProcess running really hot. I close out ring,
reopen and the heat is on again.
After reopening, you'll see messages come in FROM gnome out of order
from when they previously didn't send out, and they even still say
"Sending..." in gnome.

Video 3:
I had forgotten to show the contact add/remove issue in gnome.
It looks like it works right at the beginning but you'll see a couple
of things after I close/reopen. First, conversations in the list had
duplicated (from 5 to 8). Second, after adding a contact, then
removing them, the context menu only allows for remove even after the
contact was already removed.

Oh, also note, the android identity is never displayed in gnome, only
the id. None of my accounts are registered in the blockchain, but they
all have their alias.
I still think it's important that each user be allowed to customize
the identity of their peer (locally via a nickname or something),
otherwise you can/may/will be dealing with identity issues (I set my
name to Oliver and the peer wouldn't know any different).
You can't rely on a person making a call just to get the contact info.
It needs to be when the contact request has been accepted.

On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 8:41 AM, Olivier Soldano
<olivier.sold...@savoirfairelinux.com> wrote:
> Hi Nathan, the display of identity is separated in 2 fields and 3 values.
> The three values are:
>     - the RingID,
>     - the registered username (if any),
>     - the alias configured in the profile.
> For the sake of readability the RingID has the least priority of display,
> then comes the registered username, and finally the alias.
> When the alias is displayed the second field is activated, and shows
> either the RingID or the registered username to allow contact identification.
> The switch from RingID/username to a name is made when the contact infos are 
> updated,
> which is at the start of a call with the reception of the peer vCard.
> If the list entries have the same RingIDs, they are not supposed to be 
> duplicated.
> If it is the case could you provide a reproduction scenario for correction 
> purpose?
> Olivier
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Nathan Royce" <nroycea+...@gmail.com>
> To: ring@gnu.org
> Sent: Saturday, August 5, 2017 6:48:39 AM
> Subject: [Ring] Gnome Contact Names
> When does a contact displayed name change from the ring id to a name?
> Maybe allow the client to manually create a nickname in case of same peer 
> names.
> I submitted a contact request and my peer accepted, but the ring id
> still showed until I started a call or something.
> Even then, there were 2 instances of the same conversation listed in
> the conversation tab, 1 with the ring id, the other with the name.
> Adding/removing contact was jacked in this case, but after gnome
> crashed (from a previous report), the contact and conversation is
> showing correctly.

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