Hello Arnold and others.

I keep hearing that  there were some problems with the process, or that
concerns were raised late into the process. But I wonder how the potential
conflict of interest was not detected or taken seriously considering the
independence of RIPE community from NCC was a well established principle.
Was it not clear? Is this not perceived as a problem?

In 2015, when I was a relatively newb at a ripe meeting, I presented some
ideas about institutional accountability. The community members (rightly
so) repeatedly corrected me when I kept conflating RIPE NCC and RIPE
community. So to my mind  the independence is a well established principle
and has always been.

To me, it was not clear whether NomCom perceived this situation as a
problem since it had alternative candidates. What do we need to do to
establish the circumstances under which the independence of community from
NCC  might be undermined? Do we need to come up with examples and criteria
for application? Does NomCom need processes in place to prohibit employees
to become community leaders fresh out of their NCC job? Is such a
prohibition needed? Do we need criteria for employees to become community
leaders? For example must have left RIPE NCC for this many months/years or
have a job in a different org?

This is not an issue specific to RIPE. We see it from time to time in other
Internet orgs (sometimes in much more serious ways) But I think would be
good to establish once and for all whether it’s a problem or not. Then if
we think it is a problem we should find solutions.

This is of course not to doubt the dedication of NomCom and people who
volunteered for these positions.

And I end this email by congratulating the new chair and vice chair. Would
be also good to know how and whether they can address the concerns that
were raised and how they can make sure community will remain independent
from ncc.

(I wanted to create another thread not to spoil this congratulatory thread,
but I thought we might not even want to reopen the issue)

On Thu, Jul 2, 2020 at 6:01 PM Arnold Nipper <arnold.nip...@de-cix.net>

> Andy,
> On 02.07.2020 17:58, Andy Davidson wrote:
> > HPH wrote:
> >> I do want to acknowledge that concerns were raised quite late in
> >> the process about the potential for capture or influence by the
> >> RIPE NCC.
> >
> > The Nomcom, chaired by the founder of the RIPE NCC has appointed a
> > RIPE NCC staffer as the community Chair.  This had to be done on an
> > emergency basis because the outgoing Chair was now MD of the RIPE
> > NCC.
> >
> > Funny definition of 'potential'!
> >
> what about turning your frustration into passion and leading the process
> working on revisited documents to address the issues encountered?
> Good luck and cheers
> Arnold
> --
> Arnold Nipper
> Chief Technology Evangelist and Co-Founder
> DE-CIX Management GmbH
> Lindleystraße 12 | 60314 Frankfurt a.M. | Germany
> Phone +49 69 1730902 22 | Mobile +49 172 2650958
> arnold.nip...@de-cix.net | www.de-cix.net
> Geschaeftsfuehrer Harald A. Summa and Sebastian Seifert
> Registergericht AG Koeln HRB 51135
> DE-CIX 25th anniversary: Without you the Internet would not be the same!
> Join us on the journey at https://withoutyou.de-cix.net
> --

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