Mnyb wrote: 
> But common use cases are less common than one migth think .
> Sadly the business of playing digital files has no real standards or
> agreed opon ways to do
> Stuff .

i know what you're saying, but i don't agree...  many major rippers,
like WMP, winamp, EAC, etc... will tag without setting comp tags. this
is a common scenario that is to be expected.  the job isn't to expect
perfection, the job is to expect highly likely scenarios.

DJanGo wrote: 
> +1
> We must remember LMS was ahead of the time, but now its only supported
> by a single guy.
> LMS (and its predecessors) was always techie - you need to know how
> things work - if you want to use it and adapt something here and there.

yes, i'm aware the software/product failed.  but he still does some
work, so why not point out what might be looked at?  or encourage others
to work on what is open source?

and yes, it was always techie, which imo lead to that failure, but not
on purpose.  the mere fact that it included "itunes integration" shows
that it was trying to anticipate non-techie, common use scenarios, at
least, once upon a time.  whats more common than itunes?

DJanGo wrote: 
> If someone thinks he should use another Software cause that fits better
> to his enviroment or needings there is nothing else as wave goodbye and
> wish him the very best with his decision.

the goal should be to conform server to the broadest common usage cases
as possible/practical, rather than trying to conform users to server. 
that thinking lead to failure.

dolodobendan wrote: 
> The plugin itself, maybe (for someone who knows how to do it), but I'm
> not sure if whatever tag I like would just work right now, because they
> would have to be included in the scans first (otherwise Erland could
> have just used the native database). Or did I miss something here?

afaik, server only scans in the tags its been told to scan in.  yes, u
can drill down in the UI and see all tags in a file, but afaik thats
just a tag dump done at the time u actually drill down to view the raw
tags, and only the ones server has been told to recognize at scan time
are actually in the DB.

it would be good if we could list all known tags [field values] server
already reads into the server, and make a list of all the ones we would
want added, be it for classical, ratings, what have you.

using:  win7 64 + lms 7.9 & duet & ipads w/the logitech app, and ipeng
on an ipod &
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