On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 10:14 AM Cowboy <> wrote:

> On Sat, 17 Nov 2018 06:46:17 -0500
> drew Roberts <> wrote:
> > Does anyone see problems with this line of thinking
>  In the 14 ( or is it 18 ? ) machine system we have,
>  that's exactly how it's done, and for those same reasons.


>  There is the additional that VNC is also on the on-air
>  machines so that when the place is unattended, a competent
>  person can get in and fix something, just in case.

Pretty much what we do.

>  In order to do it, they first have to vnc into the "second"
>  machine in your scenario, then vnc to the on-air.
We tend to have an ssh script / putty config that gets us to the station
network and builds various tunnels, some for vnc, some for checking the
icecast server (not always needed if we expose that server to the world),
some for other things.

Once the tunnels are established we do something like:

vncviewer localhost:27 (when the tunnel has -L 5927:localhost:5900)
vncviewer localhost:28 (then the tunnel has -L 5928:

>  The extra steps make it certain that it's not an accident.
>  Most of the people are coming from vnc on windows, but at least
>  one comes in from vnc on his iPad.

We only have the two of us currently going in everywhere. From linux,
windows, mac, phone even sometimes.

>  There is also x11vnc at my desk workstation, but normally not running.
>  If needed ( it has been ) the procedure is to ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900
>  into that machine, then start x11vnc "locally" and then VNC in.
>  It's a bit more secure that way, but not for the neophyte.

Along those lines, I have been hurting my head recently trying to move a
"CableTV" channel from a hardware box to a virtual machine setup. I am
using ssh/tunnels/x11vnc to access both boxes and x11vnc is crashing a lot
on the virtual machine. I have not tracked down the cause yet but I have
put this to use:

# relaunch x11vnc from ssh login
export DISPLAY=:0
/usr/bin/gnome-terminal -- /usr/bin/x11vnc -rfbauth /home/rd/.vnc/passwd
-display :0 -shared -forever -solid red

ssh into the machine as rd (in this example) and then ./
and I am back in business. This script could be the basis for launching
x11vnc on demand as you do for anyone who is interested in doing so but has
not tried already.

> --
> Cowboy
> all the best,

Enjoy the Paradise Island Cam playing
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