It sounds like your workstations are still mounting their /var/snd to the old 
server.  Double check that the  file mount for /var/snd on your workstations 
points to your new server (and ensure all the needed permissions are correct).
Regarding the rdxport stuff, that can be changed in rdadmin.  Launch rdadmin 
--> manage Hosts --> select the needed workstation host --> HTTP Xport.  Give 
this a check / try, but given the way you set up the new server you might have 
other issues.  After making these changes in rdadmin you might have to restart 
the daemons on the workstations.
I suspect that by editing the .SQL file like you did, the entry for your server 
in rdadmin may have the wrong host name, especially if you gave your new server 
a different host name then your old one.  This can also be the cause of issues 
with rdxport not working as expected.  Rather then manually editing IP's in the 
SQL file it probably would have been a better approach to import the database 
on your new server and either:
a) create a new host entry in Rivendell for the new server, when creating base 
it off the entry for the old server, *or*
b) give the new server the sane exact host name and IP address as the old 
server, then when switching make sure the old is shut off (or disconnected from 
the network).  You'd have to remount the file share / restart daemons on the 
Lorne Tyndale
 The system started working apparently fine, until we shutdown the old server.
 Problem: The Rivendell work stations were receiving the information from the 
new server's sql data base, but playing the audio files from the old server
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