
    I am currently writing up a TclX compatibility library.  Of course,
I can't write the whole thing, nor do I want to.  I'm just writing up the
basic commands that I think are really important (and mostly easy to do).

    My question is this.  Should I include these commands as commands of
Rivet?  Or, should I include these commands in a package called Tclxcompat?
Currently, I have them in a package called Tclxcompat, but I think it might
be cool to have them as commands of Rivet.

    The major reason being, if the user has TclX installed and required,
the commands will never get sourced.  Commands of Rivet only get sourced
when they're required and they don't already exist.  So, a user types:

lassign $list foo boo

    And they get it.  If TclX is loaded, they get it because TclX has the
command.  If TclX is not loaded, they get it because Rivet will pick it
up and give it to them.

    Any thoughts?


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