I'm fine with this proposal.


On 3/21/07, Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 3/21/07, Allen Gilliland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dave wrote:
> > On 3/21/07, Allen Gilliland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I don't understand what exactly this is trying to accomplish.  How do
> >> you actually register an account via email?  You need to supply input
> >> for the various form fields at some point right?
> >>
> >> Can we get a description of the work flow that this is advocating?  When
> >> does the email get sent?  What does it contain?  What action does the
> >> recipient take?  etc.
> >
> > The work flow is this:
> > 1) User enters registration info into existing registration form and posts
> > 2) Roller responds: thanks for registering, please wait for activation
> > email
> > 3) User gets email, clicks activation link
> > 4) Roller responds: You are registered! Here's a link for you to login
> gotcha, i don't know why i was thinking of something else.
> in any case, i think the design could be simplified a bit.  rather than
> create a whole new table why not just add the activationcode column to
> the existing rolleruser table?  that way we don't need the new table,
> pojo, and manager methods.  in fact, the registration code is basically
> unchanged except for adding in this logic ...
> if(emailActivationEnabled) {
>    newUser.setEnabled(false);
>    // generate activation code
>    newUser.setActivationCode(code);
>    // send activation email
> }

Yes. I prefer that too.

- Dave


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