And furthermore... 
 I just did an awful lot of hacking and slashing to the text client.  Billions,
perhaps trillions, of lines of legacy and experimental code were removed.
 It's all back in a single directory with a single include file.  Like ctdlsh
and webcit-ng, it no longer uses GNU Autotools, but instead uses a script
I'm calling "conf-IG-ure" for now, which works perfectly on the 99.999% of
the target hosts that run modern operating systems.  No, we don't need to
support SGI IRIX running on a modified TI-99/4A with Cygwin for TMS9900, even
if Autotools knows how to do that. 
 It's pretty clever, actually.  For most installations you just type "make"
and it figures everything out.  Makefile requires which is generated
by configure, and it runs configure if it doesn't have  Quadrillions
of lines of m4 macros are replaced by about two screenfuls of shell script.

 I am WAY smarter than Richard Marx Stallman. 

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