John Siracusa writes:
 > On 8/7/07 5:12 PM, George Hartzell wrote:
 > > If I change Rose::DB::SQLite::validate_datetime_keyword so that it'll
 > > accept 'current_timestamp'
 > Yeah, I should do that...
 > > then the value gets inserted literally into the table.
 > it probably also needs to be inlined (i.e., unquoted)
 > > I'd like to be able to specify the default behaviour in the schema,
 > > it'll be more robust if/when it's used outside of rdbo.
 > A default value of "now" should work in all supported databases, IIRC.

The default value of "now" does work when used in the RDBO perl
module.  The problem is that since I'm using RDBO::Loader, the only
way to get that value in there is to use it in the SQL, where it
doesn't do what is intended.  Eventually I may stop generating the
perl classes on the fly, but in the meantime I'd like it to do the
right thing.

Can you give me a hint on setting up the inlining?  It looks like I'll
need to change
Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Timestamp::should_inline_value so
that it checks (off the top of my head)

  ($_[1]->driver eq 'sqlite' && $_[2] =~ /current_datetime/i) 

or something close to that.  I'll have to figure out how to work it
into the existing ternary test.



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