The following little fragment of sql does what I'd like it to do,
inserts the current timestamp into the created_date column.

  create table mooses (
        id integer primary key autoincrement,
        name text,
        created_date datetime not null default current_timestamp
  insert into mooses(name) values ('B. Moose');
  insert into mooses(name) values ('Big Tex');
  select * from mooses;

If I use Rose::DB::Object::Loader on the database created with the
above, it complains with:

   insert() - Invalid default datetime: 'current_timestamp' at ...

If I change Rose::DB::SQLite::validate_datetime_keyword so that it'll
accept 'current_timestamp' then the value gets inserted literally into
the table.

I'd like to be able to specify the default behaviour in the schema,
it'll be more robust if/when it's used outside of rdbo.

Is there a proper way to make this work?


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