On 8/14/07, George Hartzell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The default value of "now" does work when used in the RDBO perl
> module.  The problem is that since I'm using RDBO::Loader, the only
> way to get that value in there is to use it in the SQL, where it
> doesn't do what is intended.

Remember that the Loader also provides hooks to modify the metadata
pulled from the database, both before and after class initialization.
In this case, you could add a pre_init_hook that walks over all the
columns and replaces any default "current_datetime" values on datetime
columns with "now".


> Can you give me a hint on setting up the inlining?  It looks like I'll
> need to change
> Rose::DB::Object::Metadata::Column::Timestamp::should_inline_value so
> that it checks (off the top of my head)
>   ($_[1]->driver eq 'sqlite' && $_[2] =~ /current_datetime/i)
> or something close to that.  I'll have to figure out how to work it
> into the existing ternary test.

You shouldn't need to modify should_inline_value().  Instead, add
"current_datetime" as a valid "keyword" for SQLite date/time columns.
To do this, alter the validate_*_keyword() method(s) in
Rose::DB::SQLite.  This fix will be in the next release, but I haven't
don't it yet.  If you do it first, feel free to post a patch :)


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