I'm using Rose J 2002 with Visual Cafe 4.5 under Windows 2000.

Previously I used the Cafe Ensemble link to do round trip engineering
without problem.  However, I happened to notice that the support was built
into Rose to do this without Ensemble and it would have automagically.  So,
I went ahead and reverse engineered the project.  Well, I ended up with
classes created for my user types that were found in jars on the classpath
but not in the project as well as classes for some built in types like
String, List and Map.  These showed up in my Cafe project as empty classes.
I thought deleting them would be a good thing, but I think this was a
mistake.  It seemed to delete every reference to that type in my project.
It just wiped out the private variable declarations in the classes.  It
also moved & commented out some functions that used these types as
arguements.  It totally changed my code.  I mean the actual implementation
code.  This is really bad.  Especially since I wasn't told it was

So, I'd like to know if anyone else has had this problem and know if there
is a way to prevent it.  I'd like to know the conditions under which this
happens so I can avoid repeating this.  Here's an example.  Create a Cafe
project and add a class that uses java.util.List via importing the
import java.util.*;

public class MyClass
    private List var1;

    public void methodCall(List var2)
        var1 = var2;

Then I go into Rose and create a new project, change code generation to
Visual Cafe, turn on automatic sync.  Then I go back to tools, and do a
reverse engineer on the current Cafe project.  When this is done, I end up
with a java package in the logical & component views.  Why??  This is just
a reference, can't it stay that way?

Also, sometimes Rose will create a new file with the same name as the
original Java file but in a different location.  It's like Rose can't find
the original even though it just created the model from a reverse engineer.

Thanks for any help

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