Thanks.  That gets that off my plate for finishing this up.

  Should be done with the documentation updates today.


On 4/1/21 4:21 AM, Philip Leishman wrote:

If you mean my fork with its commits in github - don't worry about that.
I will take care of that.

So I will now move to the sourceforge git repo. The github repo will no
longer be used !

On 4/1/21 1:10 AM, Ted Felix wrote:
I've still got some documentation to write and I need to transition
your commits over there.  Unless you'd like to do that.

  I think you can start tentatively moving over there and I'll catch
up at some point.  Up to you.  I can work from either repo.


On 3/31/21 10:57 AM, Philip Leishman wrote:

On 3/30/21 3:29 PM, Ted Felix wrote:
On 3/30/21 7:52 AM, Ted Felix wrote:
  Still, I should probably re-run against the root dir just for fun
to see what it looks like and how long it takes.

  Just did that.  Oddly it took less time.  Only one hour instead of
two.  I'm guessing that the missing history caused it to jump around
and try rescanning branches to merge.  The size is about the same at
139MB.  Actually, I think that's a little bit smaller.  There are also
only 13010 commits.  But it appears to have at least partial code all
the way back to r12.

  This might be really handy for code archaeology.  But having the
code down in a "rosegarden" directory is a little odd.

  There's still time to switch to this if anyone feels strongly that
this is the right way to go.

  Lot of ideas are coming to mind.  E.g. we could do this full
convert, then delete the website and other stuff and move the source
directories where they belong.  That might be better than what I've
done.  But working with older versions will be strange in git since
the source will move.  I need to think about this for a bit.



I think the repository looks pretty good as it is. Do we go live with
this and make the switch official ?


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