On Thu, 21 Feb 2013, David Tisdell wrote:

> I use Rosegarden to teach composition to middle school students. For a long
> time, I used Studio64 but it wasn't being updated and I was running into
> driver issues on new hardware installations. In August, I installed XUbuntu
> and added all of the music programs I use but have been really unhappy with
> Ubuntu. There have been stability issues and frequent loss of communication
> to software synthesizers. Before I do my next round of compositions, I want
> to ditch Ubuntu.
> Does anyone have a recommendation for an audio distro? Remember, I am doing
> this with middle school student so stability and consistency are paramount.
> Personally, I have been a suse person for several years but there are a
> couple of quirks to doing digital audio and MIDI on suse that I don't mind
> dealing with myself but don't want to spring on my students.

Hi David,

I use Xubuntu 12.04 and I am happy with it. My interface is a Focusrite
Scarlett 2i2. There are no stability issues. I use the synths as
DSSI-modules (fluidsynth, hexter, whysynth) for minimum latency and easy
storing/restoring their settings.

- I use the distribution's kernel source with the following tweaks
  for minimum latency:

  make menuconfig
    Processor type and features
      Preemption Model: Low-Latency Desktop
      Timer Frequency: 1000 HZ
  make-kpkg clean
  fakeroot make-kpkg -j 4 --initrd --revision=1.0.hm kernel_image kernel_headers

  Then I have 2 .deb-packages that I install with dpkg -i

- I tweak fluidsynth-dssi to run it on 24 instruments at once
  in dssi.h
  #define FSD_CHANNEL_COUNT  25

- I tweak hexter
  in src/hexter.h


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