On 11/13/2013 05:44 PM, wersdfihaspdojsdfjn...@freenet.de wrote:

> So what am I doing wrong. Is there a configuration, that Midi Thru is
> done only to one out-port? Any Ideas?

Most likely we broke it by not understanding some of the many complex 
use cases users would throw at it.  We embarked on a massive core change 
without really understanding all the complexities beyond a few use cases 
we knew about and considered.  The result is mayhem, and never-ending 
user complaints about things being broken that we never even knew people 

If I had it all to do over again, I would have nixed the whole idea and 
left well enough alone.  As things stand now, the only way to move is 
forward.  The guy working on this code will keep plowing away until it's 
right, but first he has to understand the requirements.  That is proving 
to be a very messy business.

He's up to his eyeballs in other work at the moment anyway, so it would 
be good to file this as a bug report, and we'll try to rework MIDI THRU 
eventually so that it functions normally again.
D. Michael McIntyre

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