Hi Yves, hi others , -about vu-meter: I got this screenshot with ubuntu 14.04 now I am using 16.04, so maybe this has something to do with "vu-meter?".
-Thanks for your trouble shoot. After fixing the "midi instrument index shift", it came out, that that was the only hindrance of it all. And now I can hear all instruments (!!!) , seemingly at least. Yes, besides one: the contrabass, even if I put it to program 44 contrabass. I put it to 45 tremolo strings, then it sounded at least. -So how about it, should not one _bug report/fix then the original files, if they are against standard? They are, are not they? Here ist the source http://www.gutenberg.org/files/117/117-h/117-h.htm and I do not know how common is this "bug", is it? And, yes I am total thus limited newbie both for music and music software. -Regarding a rg-tutorial: This turns out to be a tutorial not to "import midis with more then 16 instruments/programs and about the usage of banks", but one about importing "broken, instrument index shifted midi files", maybe this could be of good use, if that is a common, a faq issue. But for a real "more than 16 instrument tutorial use case", one needed such a midi file, does not one? - Regarding a scripting interface: That should be topic of another thread. But I wish it really bad. How do they call it? "python bindings" from cpp, no?: ya esta. Is there an opinion about it among yous, if this is wished or worth the effort, I would like know anyway. -Did not follow step4; but downloaded your rg file, which anyway functioned without further configuring. I think I needed the midi file to set it up, right? All the best. >> - is there a way you can prove all 24 instruments do noise all together, and you gave a method, thanks. 25.08.2016, 21:28, "Yves Guillemot" <yc.guille...@wanadoo.fr>: > Le lundi 22 août 2016, 14:42:05 Mario Gummies a écrit : >> - is there a way you can prove all 24 instruments do noise all together, and >> not that it seems only like that? Could you take my example midi file of >> the initial post, so I could verify and learn from it? > > I downloaded the midi file and discovered that only 11 voices are needed. > So it almost works out of the box with any MIDI synthetizer. > I'll try to explain it below. > >> - is there a way to >> document the doings of the configurations: command line scripting would be >> ideal for communication imho, because of its secondary use of being able to >> be read by third communicated? > > Unfortunately there is currently no scripting language embedded in RG. > >> - so given us poor set out to a overall >> great ui world: could you sketch the dialog lead, by screen shots or a >> pointer to a tutorial? > > You can find some documentation in RG Wiki, but it's frequently outdated or > incomplete. > http://rosegardenmusic.com/wiki/doc:manual-en#devices_instruments_and_connections > > Step 1 - How to set up (I presume timidity is already working): > > - Start RG, then load the midi file: > File -> Import -> Import MIDI File... > > - Open the MIDI devices manager dialog: > Studio -> Manage MIDI Devices > > - Connect the General Midi Device to a Timidity input: > 1 - Click on "General Midi Device" in the upper left box to select it > (well, it should already be selected as it should be the only one device in > this window). > 2 - Click on a Timidity input in the upper right box. > > You should see something like that: > https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5R8K4qNasR0X3YwMXBvR0JrR0k/view?usp=sharing > > The "General MIDI Device" device is now connected to a timidity port. > > - Close the Midi Devices manager dialog. > > - The setup is finish and you can press the play button to hear the midi file. > > Step 2 - How the MIDI instruments (or "programs") are mapped to the > tracks: > > Here is a snapshot of the main window: > https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5R8K4qNasR0OTU3S0wzNngyZVk/view?usp=sharing > > and a diagram showing the relations between devices, instruments, banks and > programs: > https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5R8K4qNasR0RlVHa0F4bFBOZ00/view?usp=sharing > > To click on the name in front of a track in the main window selects this > track. > Once the track is selected, we can see the associated Midi device (here > "General MIDI Device") in the Track Parameters box. > The instrument name and its number are visible under the Midi device name. > The instruments in the same MIDI device can't be more than 16. > > This instrument is an element in the list of the instruments used in the > composition. > > The bank and program in the Instrument Parameters box show what sound this > logical instrument gives. In the main window snapshot, the track #6 is using > the program "Piccolo" which has number 73 in the "General MIDI" bank. > > Successively looking all the tracks, we see that: > - Track 1 is not used > - Tracks 2 and 3 have the same instruments (75. Recorder) > - Tracks 4 and 5 have the same instrument (70. English Horn) > - Tracks 6 and 7 have the same instrument (73. Piccolo) > etc... > > Eventually, instruments beeing shared between tracks, there are 19 tracks, but > only 11 instruments used. > As 11 < 16, only one MIDI device is needed (and using more than one Timidity > port is unnecessary here). > > Here there is something weird: Why is GM Recorder used in place of flute ? > Why English Horn in place of oboe ? Why Piccolo in place of clarinet ? etc... > > This looks like a bug somewhere: > Recorder is #75 in GM and Flute is #74 > English Horn is #70 in GM and Oboe is #69 > Piccolo is #73 in GM and Clarinet is #72 > etc... : The N+1 GM instrument is always used in place of the N. > > To fix this, you have to select successively each track, then, in the > Instrument parameter box, to use the Program dropdown to select the correct > instrument. > > Step 3 - Why, in your screenshot, is there sometimes no vu-meter visible on > some tracks at a place where this track is making sound ? > > Some similar thing is easy to notice looking tracks 10 and 11 (the horns) > while playing bars 84 to 91. > > I didn't look at the code and I don't have a certitude, but I presume that > there is a level treshold under which the track number is displayed rather > than the vu-meter. > So when a track is playing with a very low level no vu-meter is > displayed. > > An easy way to know if a track is making sound is to mute all the other tracks > (clicking on the blue "LED button" near each track number). > The last RG release provides a solo button (a third "LED" in front of each > track) which make this even simpler. > > Step 4 - Just for the completeness, here is the example I create to have 24 > different instruments with Timidity. It works, but is not necessary for the > Beethoven example. > https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5R8K4qNasR0dGZhdkRXZGRuTEk/view?usp=sharing > > To set it up: > > - Open the MIDI devices manager dialog: > Studio -> Manage MIDI Devices > > - Create a second MIDI device (with the button "Create") > > - Connect the first device to a Timidity port > > - Connect the second device to another Timidity port > > - Open the Banks manager (with the button "Banks...") > > - Select the second device and add a bank (button "Add Bank") > > - Then press the button "Import..." and select the "GM.rgd" file, press "Open" > and "OK". > > - Come back to the main window and, for each track: > - Pick a midi device in the Track Parameters Box > - Pick a bank and a program in the Instrument Parameters Box > > Hope this helps. > > Yves > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > _______________________________________________ > Rosegarden-user mailing list > Rosegarden-user@lists.sourceforge.net - use the link below to unsubscribe > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/rosegarden-user ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________ Rosegarden-user mailing list Rosegarden-user@lists.sourceforge.net - use the link below to unsubscribe https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/rosegarden-user