One possibility is that your OS isn't consistent about how devices are assigned to ports/connections (or named).

I know you can assign names to devices in either ALSA or udev. If you name your devices, then set your RG studio to use the names instead of device specifics like hw1, it shouldn't matter to RG where the device is actually connected, maybe?

Of course, I don't know if RG's MIDI connection/routing code looks at that or takes it into consideration. Or if RG can be set to connect to device names vs ports. I have a very simple setup - one keyboard on MIDI with audio output, 2-inx2out USB audio interface that's connected to a basic 10-channel mixer that combines the audio (from the external keyboard, other audio inputs like other computers here, guitar input, mic input) into inputs for the computer.

I think on my laptop, I also had to blacklist the built-in audio. Otherwise, it always came up as default since it was the first audio device found.

On 8/8/20 8:40 AM, wrote:
I tried everything  to keep the configured mid input and output devices but if I rebooted or close and open Rosegarden it is always different and (wrong) midi devices that are listed and not what I configured. I set the studio options and saved and tried everything I could. Nothing helps.

So how do I force Rosegarden to stick to the midi devices I configured and saved. It seems to ignore my configurations.

On 2020-08-07 04:57, david wrote:
I have no idea. I think once you set up a studio and make it your
default, all *new* RG projects start with the default studio. I don't
know if there's a way to set *old* RG projects to use the new default

Maybe someone else on the list knows how to do that?

On 8/6/20 10:54 PM, wrote:
that doesnt help[ as I am opening files I used the previous day and saved with the correct settings.

Rosegarden either doesnt keep midi device  settings for every file or something is messed up or there is something I dont understand.

Does it load the same Studio file for all Project files or does it keep track of the midi device setup for each Project file ?

On 2020-08-06 19:43, David W. Jones wrote:
Hmm, I thought that was set under Studio settings? Set up your studio,
save it as your default studio?

David W. Jones
authenticity, honesty, community
"My password is the last 8 digits of π."

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