Nicolas, ask me to bring this discussion to the mailing list .
Nicolas sorry for the delay , I had a big cold, I'm ok now (it just an
excuse :) ) 

OK, all story is in 
and in https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4145

and we have 48 packages depends on ffmpeg-libs.

First, ABI changes of ffmpeg 3.0.x to 3.1.x ? 
"There are no SONAME changes, only new symbols added to the libraries,
so they're backwards compatible and no rebuild of dependencies should
be required" . "mpv will break" . 

My arguments, I read today 
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Updates_Policy#All_other_updates and it
have one exceptions list, we have some items that can be applied to
this case, like :  

- The update doesn't change ABI/API and nothing needs to be rebuilt
against the new version. (almost)

- The update fixes serious bugs that many fedora users are

ffmpeg-3.0 is a major version that had short duration, it was the first
version of an major version (3.0.x), so we expect have more bugs, also
vlc now requires ffmpeg 3.1.x and we have to maintain it about more 9
months (F24 be an fresh version also counts).

Finally Nicolas wrote: "I'm sure we should have a decision better
sooner than later about this (...) I'm reserving my last arguments for
the mailing list".

I hope have one decision, quickly and close this subject (update ffmpeg
in F24 to 3.1.x ? ). 

Best regards,
Sérgio M. B.

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