On Tue, Feb 1, 2022 at 5:21 PM Xavier Bachelot <xav...@bachelot.org> wrote:

> There are missing dependencies for a lot of RPM Fusion packages in EPEL
> 9, but I've been filling a lot of bugs for dependencies of the high
> profile packages or packages I care about, and even if there's quite a
> lot of work remaining, this is not that bad currently.

Thanks for the opening of the dependency bugs.

I have also been filing bugs (in a number of cases
others got there first with the request, but in a
few I got there first) and I concur that things are
getting better.  There is likely to be a long tail for
some packages for the reasons you mention.

The copr I have been using for building the
missing EPEL9 packages for the builds I care
about is now down to a half dozen packages,
where it started closer to two dozen (some were
build dependencies for the others, of course, but
they all count(ed) in my mind).  Progress!

> ... or even worst
> when hitting a missing -devel package from Stream.

That is one of the painful issues (it is not new, el8
had similar issues, but before the centos 8 vaulting
at least the -devel packages were mostly available
in the [devel] repo).

I, too, have had to open a bug on a missing -devel
package and we shall see where it goes.
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