Dear rsync users,
i'd like to ask some questions about rsync,

1) i'm going to use rsync to upload backups to "backup machine", that
machine will hold only backups.
    - does it keeps the ownership of the files if the users/groups, they
don't exist in the remote machine (backup machines)
    or it keeps them in a database and restores them when replacing the
backups ?

2) how to choose where a path (within the actual module name) to where
upload the files without having to add a new module ?

3) the --delete options means that, if we have a dir with "index.htm" and
"main.htm" in the backup server, and then we remove "main.htm" from the
client, when we're uploading the newbackup it will remove main.htm from the
backup server?

Thanks in advance

best regards,
Gonçalo Gomes

PS: sorry for my bad`english`full`of`typos

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