Good news!!!

I got the problem!!!

i don't know why, the type FSIORefNum isn't defined like this. It appears in the File System documentation, but in Files.h the FSOpenFork is defined as using SInt16 instead of FSIORefNum. I've changed the type and it goes further. Made some more little changes, there was a typo on FSUniStr255 that should be HFSUniStr255, and in Matt's memcpy, the dest variable should be list and not dest :)

Well, this is really good, but there are still 2 issues:

1) We need to put the "-framework Carbon" on the linking part of the makefile. I'm trying to put it in the darwin4-7 part of the (lines 937 and above) like this:
        AC_MSG_RESULT(Using OS X PreTiger attrs)
        AC_DEFINE(HAVE_OSX_XATTRS, 1, [True if you have Mac OS X xattrs])
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_PRE_TIGER_OSX_ATTRS, 1, [True if you have Mac OS X PreTiger attrs])
        SYSXATTRS_CFLAGS="-framework Carbon"
        LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -framework Carbon"
Is it the right way?

2) There are some warnings of incompatible types between Carbon and rsync arguments. I'll look at this, so by the moment, even if it compile, be aware that it can crash your mac! It's NOT a beta nor a final product. Only an developer alpha. So if you want to test, please backup your data before trying anything with this... You're warned!

Attachment: rsync10.3xattr_support.vitorio20080215.diff
Description: Binary data

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