
I used to rsync a /home with thousands of home directories every
night, although only a hundred or so would be used on a typical day,
and many of them have not been used for ages.  This became too large a
burden on the poor old destination server, so I switched to a script
that uses "find -ctime -7" on the source to select recently used homes
first, and then rsyncs only those.  (A week being a more than good
enough safety margin in case something goes wrong occasionally.)

Is there a smarter way to do this, using rsync only ?  I would like to
use rsync with a cut-off time, saying "if a file is older than this,
don't even bother checking it on the destination server (and the same
for directories -- but without ending a recursive traversal)".  Now
I am traversing some directories twice on the source server to lighten
the burden on the destination server (first find, then rsync).


Dirk van Deun
Ceterum censeo Redmond delendum
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