If your goal is to reduce storage, and scanning inodes doesnt matter,
use --link-dest for targets. However, that'll keep a backup for every
time that you run it, by link-desting yesterday's copy.

Y end up with a backup tree dir per day, with files hardlinked against
all other backup dirs. My (and many others) here's solution is to

mv $ancientbackup $today; rsync --del --link-dest=$yest source:$dirs $today 

creating gaps in the ancient sequence of days of backups - so I end up
keeping (very roughly) 1,2,3,4,7,10,15,21,30,45,60,90,120,180 days old backups
(of course this isnt how it works, there's some binary counting going on in 
so the elimination isnt exactly like that - every day each of those gets a day 
There are some tower of hanoi-like solutions to this for automated backups.)

This means something twice as old has twice as few backups for the same time 
meaning I keep the same frequency*age value for each backup timerange into the 

The result is a set of dirs dated (in my case) 20150630 for eg, which looks
exactly like the actual source tree i backed up, but only taking up space of
changed files since yesterday. (caveat: it's hardlinked against all the other
backups, thus using no more space on disk HOWEVER, some server stuff like
postfix doenst like hardlinked files in its spool due to security concerns -
so if you should boot/use the backup itself without making a plain copy (which
is recommended) 1) postfix et al will yell 2) you will be modifying the whole
set of dirs that point to the inode you just booted/used).

My solution avoids scanning the source twice (which in my case of backing up
5x 10M files off servers daily is a huge cost), important because the scantime
takes longer than the backup/xfer time (gigE network for a mere 20,000 changed
files per 10M seems average per box of 5). Also it's production gear - as
little time as possible thrashing the box (and its poor metadata cache) is
important for performance. Getting the backups done during the night lull is
therefore required. I dont have time to delete (nor the disk RMA cycle
patience) 10M files on the receiving side just to spend 5 hours recreating
them; 20,000 seems better to me.

You could also use --backup and --backup-dir, but I dont do it that way.


On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 10:32:31AM +0200, Dirk van Deun said:
  >I used to rsync a /home with thousands of home directories every
  >night, although only a hundred or so would be used on a typical day,
  >and many of them have not been used for ages.  This became too large a
  >burden on the poor old destination server, so I switched to a script
  >that uses "find -ctime -7" on the source to select recently used homes
  >first, and then rsyncs only those.  (A week being a more than good
  >enough safety margin in case something goes wrong occasionally.)
  >Is there a smarter way to do this, using rsync only ?  I would like to
  >use rsync with a cut-off time, saying "if a file is older than this,
  >don't even bother checking it on the destination server (and the same
  >for directories -- but without ending a recursive traversal)".  Now
  >I am traversing some directories twice on the source server to lighten
  >the burden on the destination server (first find, then rsync).
  >Dirk van Deun
  >Ceterum censeo Redmond delendum
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Ken Chase - k...@heavycomputing.ca skype:kenchase23 +1 416 897 6284 Toronto 
Heavy Computing - Clued bandwidth, colocation and managed linux VPS @151 Front 
St. W.
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