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don garbage wrote:
> Hi all,
> The problem continues and my users are becoming very impatient with me.
> Can someone lend a hand? Please refer to this email thread for the
> problem I'm having.
> Thanks,
> Don

Hi Don.

I did reply to you a couple of days ago (sent private email because I
accidentally "replied" instead of "reply all").   My reply was:

> Sorry Don.  I missed your post.
> You asked, "mod_fastcgi is not installed. Should it be?"
> The answer is YES.  You want something to accelerate the Perl code.
> Without it Apache has to spawn a process, run the Perl interpreter, then
> execute the code.  This takes time and can make an otherwise snappy
> application seem like a dog.  Sound familiar?
> With mod_fastcgi you'll have the interpreter always warmed up and ready
> in the bullpen.  Calls from the webserver to execute some Perl code
> won't be delayed while the process sets up, so your users will be
> waiting only for the code to execute, which is generally quite fast.
> I don't know anything about Ubuntu and how they lay things out, or even
> which package manager they use.  Our internal docs describe our setup
> for RT on CentOS 4 (A respin of RHEL).  I'd be happy to send you our
> instructions but you'd have to adapt them to Ubuntu.  The difficulties
> you'd have doing that depend on your Linux admin skills.
> Barry

So, have you installed fastcgi yet and I missed your post?


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