This is more encouraging - running without SSL works OK.



Alan Cheng wrote:
Hi Ruslan,

>All options in 3.8 have to be set using Set() function: Set( @LogToSyslogConf, socket => 'stream' );

Thank you very much for the information.  That fixed the syslog problem!

Now I need to figure out why RT is complaining about "Config"... I did check all required Perl modules are installed (make testdeps and fixdeps).

[Thu May 8 18:35:49 2008] [error] Can't locate object method "Config" via package "RT" at /opt/rt3-beta/bin/ line 91.\nBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /opt/rt3-beta/bin/ line 92.\nCompilation failed in require at (eval 249) line 1.\n

Syntax error on line 1100 of /opt/csw/apache/conf/httpd.conf:

Can't locate object method "Config" via package "RT" at /opt/rt3-beta/bin/ line 91.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /opt/rt3-beta/bin/ line 92.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 249) line 1.

Below is the snippet for httpd.conf
#  General setup for the virtual host
DocumentRoot "/opt/rt3-beta/share/html"
ErrorLog /opt/csw/apache/logs/ssl_error_log
TransferLog /opt/csw/apache/logs/ssl_access_log

    AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

    PerlModule Apache::DBI
    PerlRequire /opt/rt3-beta/bin/  <----- this is line 1100

    <Location />
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlHandler RT::Mason



Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
All options in 3.8 have to be set using Set() function:
Set( @LogToSyslogConf, socket => 'stream'  );

No more unless checks, no more difference for arrays or hashes.

On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Alan Cheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,

Anyone tried to install RT-3.7.85 under Solaris 10?  I can't work around
the syslog problem while executing "make initialize-database" even with
the following in my

@LogToSyslogConf = ( socket => 'stream' ) unless (@LogToSyslogConf);

Also tried "inet" and "native" without success.  The above solution does
work for 3.6.6 I am currently running though.

[Thu May  8 04:44:35 2008] [crit]: no connection to syslog available
       - /dev/conslog is not a socket at
/opt/csw/share/perl/csw/Log/Dispatch/ line 71
no connection to syslog available



Jesse Vincent wrote:
We've integrated about 350 changes to RT in the last two months as
part of the big push toward RT 3.8.0. Many of those changes were made
to integrate features Best Practical has built or prototyped for
clients over the past several years. Below, please find the high-level
changelog for the differences between RT 3.7.81 and RT 3.7.85 (Beta 1
and Beta 2).

At this point, the known remaining work is mostly related to polishing
the new web-based installation mechanism and cleaning up small issues
as they're reported.

RT 3.7.85 is NOT RECOMMENDED for production use, however we strongly
urge you to deploy it in your testing environment and provide feedback
to help ensure that RT 3.8.0 is released soon and does what you need
when we release it.


Major new features:
    * Designed a new default RT 3.8 visual style
    * Added support for Rich text / HTML mail composition within RT
    * Added support for  batched email 'digests' (Weekly or daily)
      as well as the ability for a user disable mail him or herself
    * Added the ability for users to build multiple custom 'dashboards'
      out of saved searches, saved graphs and saved charts and to mail
      those dashboards as reports on a regular basis.
    * Added a new, friendlier web-based installation system.
    * Added a Graphviz based visualization of ticket relationships
    * Added simple buttons to create new related tickets
    * Added simple 'bookmarks'/'favorites' support for tickets
    * Added the Ability to subscribe to iCalendar feeds of ticket
      dates in Google Calendar /
    * Integrated "BrandedQueues" RT extension. Let you specify a
      subject token per queue
    * Integrated RT::Action::ExtractSubjectTag to better support
      between multiple ticketing systems
    * Integrated RT::Action::LinearEscalate
    * Integrated RT::Action::NotifyGroup

Minor new features:
    * EmailInput refactoring, for possible later autocompleter
    * Clean up prototype/scriptaculous files
    * more cleanups on mysql schema vs. charsets, update upgrade
script as well
    * Allow "mailto:"; links as nav menu items
    * Adding a PreForking variant of our Standalone webserver.
(currently disabled)
    * Applied a patch from Brian Nelson to add better display of
"large text"
      custom fields.
    * The "CreateTicket" widget now supports ticket bodies
    * Added Dean Edwards "IE7.js" to make it easier to write
cross-browser styles
    * Finally killed code duplicated between RT::EmailParser and



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