On Jun 6, 2008, at 12:25 PM, Stephen Turner wrote:

A few quick thoughts:

- The layout is a big improvement on the default 3.5/3.6.


- You might want to run it through IE, there are a few minor alignment issues (IE 7). Looks fine in Firefox 2.0 & Opera 9.27.

We've done some IE tweaking. (And it feels head and shoulders above where we were for 3.6). But patches to improve things on IE would be hugely welcome. It's not a primary platform for anyone here, which means we need to go and explicitly prod at it to find layout bugs. And that's not always relaible.

- It would be nice to have visual cues for links - on the ticket page in particular, it's not obvious what's a link and what's just text, unless you move the cursor over.

Checked in a first pass at that mere moments before I saw your mail ;)

All in all, it looks nice.


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