So, this is mostly a short note to acknowledge the hard work of Emmanuel Lacour along with Ruslan, sunnavy, Shawn Moore, Alex Vandiver and Kevin Falcone.

Over the past few weeks, we've (they've) been hard at work to get RT 3.8 ready for release. As part of that work, they've been going through the RT3 bug list. You can check it out by visiting , Log in as guest with the password guest. It's running a snapshot of RT 3.8 from earlier today.

There are currently 354 open tickets related to RT3. That includes bugs, feature requests, and the odd test ticket.

What's absolutely amazing is how many FEWER tickets there are than there were 3 weeks ago.

Since May 15, these guys have resolved 289 tickets in the RT3 queue. There have also been 267 commits to RT 3.8.

We're definitely into the home stretch.

But mostly, I just wanted to brag about how hard these guys are working :)


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