On Fri, Jun 06, 2008 at 03:22:26PM -0400, Aaron D. Ball wrote:
> As Stephen said:  the UI is a significant improvement aesthetically.
> A few suggestions:
> * Text size shouldn't vary between columns with similar contents. 
> Actually, this seems to be a bug:  the id column in "10 highest priority 
> tickets I own" is actually showing Status.

Actually, no. That's some dork messing with "guest"'s configuration.
*sigh* I'll go reset it.

> * There is some optical vibration (see Tufte) between alternating lines 
> in the tables.  Please consider reducing the contrast between the 
> background colors or removing the grid lines.

I've played with this some but didn't find anything that was actually
easy to scan for wide tables.

> * Links are currently indicated with bold text, which does not work well 
> when densely packed.  Maybe just color them blue?

Tried it. Along with many other things that looked awful. What we have at 
the moment feels like a reasonable compromise. Is there anywhere in
particular you find particularly hard to read?

> * The reminders need some additional visual sugar to look like 
> structured information rather than stray text, but I can't immediately 
> tell you what.

Indeed they do. This is one I'd love patches for.

Thanks! The feedback is appreciated.


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