RT 3.6.4 on redhat linux 4.6

I am attempting to setup a development RT site.  The current issue I'm running 
into is getting the dev. RT to authenticate against LDAP.  I have compared my 
RT_SiteConfig.pm between dev. and production RT (which function fine with LDAP 
authentication) and the RT_SiteConfig.pm seems fine.

Additionally, local login to the dev. RT is good but not w/LDAP.  I did a 
tcpdump during a login attempt and it shows the dev. RT never makes the call to 
the LDAP server.  Furthermore, I have tested my firewall and make certain that 
the LDAP server does indeed accept connection from my dev. RT server.

How do I go about troubleshooting why my dev. RT is not sending a LDAP 
authentication request?  Is there a script, command, or "call" within RT that I 
can execute to confirm? I have the parameter Set($LdapExternalAuth, 1); in my 
RT_SiteConfig.pm and other parameters equivalent to prod. RT.




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