Jesse wrote:
Subject: Re: [rt-users] 2 questions about RT 3.8

On Jul 19, 2008, at 4:37 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>>> 1) Is email completion supposed to work out of the box?
>>> Are you talking about when adding people via the 'People' section of
>>> the ticket? If so, I've noticed that I used to be able to put
>>> usernames in the "Email" field, but now that doesn't work.
> You are correct.  I'd love for this missing shortcut to return.
>Huh. I never knew that worked, but I don't find it objectionable. Can  
>someone open a ticket?  (Note that _autocomplete_ as such has never  
>been in the core of RT. I think that was the original requestor's  

I had the autocomplete extension installed previously. I think I misread an
email and thought that it had been built in to RT core. I can install the
extension again :) 

>>>> 2) It seems that the search feature used to (maybe I am wrong  
>>>> here, or
>> maybe I customized something and didn't re-add it in) used to search  
>> the
>>>> requestors field and the subject line, but now only searches the  
>>>> subject
>> line?
>>> In 3.8, the search feature appears to search Subject and Owner of  
>>> Open
>> tickets.
>> Verified that as well.  I'd like to be able search requestors and all
>> tickets, not just open tickets.  Perhaps this is just a bug.
>This is definitely a bug. Please open a ticket and we'll try to sort  
>it for 3.8.1



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