Hi there,
I use rt-3.8.1 on a FreeBSD6.2 box.

Here's my cronjob:
0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL -- search-arg "(Status='new' OR Status='open' OR Status = 'stalled')" -- action-arg "RecordTransaction: 0" --action RT::Action::EscalatePriority >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

it's only there to escalate my ticket priorities.

My problem: the modification time (last access) of all my tickets is altered as well, so every ticket appears to have been worked upon within max 60 minutes (since my job runs every single hour). So I have no clue, which tickets are worked upon by my workmates. (apart from checking the history).

Is there any fix for that ?

best regards,
Bernd Kuhlen


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