Hi All,

Within my sub-organization, there were recently four distinct RTs running in
various departments. We're making an effort to unify these. So far,
departments have been willing to abandon their ticket databases to move.

This is no longer the case. So, I'm looking at "unifying" two separate RTs
by merging their data. We need a script that could migrate tickets from one
RT to another without losing data.

Considering the three options of using bin/rt, the API, or native db dump
and a data massage tool, I think that the API is the better (re-usable,
smaller chance of horribly breaking stuff, etc) route.

Is there an option that I'm missing? Is there a (small) chance that someone
already has an excellent perl script that Google doesn't know about? Any
words of advice?

Much Thanks,

Isaac Vetter
Purdue University

P.s. This project would be much, much easier if the API was even minimally
documented. Yes, I appreciate the POD documentation, but that's module
documentation. The fact that something like this:
Is necessary at the end-user level is pretty intimidating.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature


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