> Medium Incident #11495 has been reassigned by Somebody
> So of course our RT makes it:
> [rt.local #104] Medium Incident #11495 has been reassigned by Somebody
> Anytime the Altiris system updates their ticket we create a new one and
> anytime RT updates our ticket they create a new one.
> If anyone has ideas around this issue, I would love to hear them.

You need a script at both ends to massage the outgoing subject into the one
needed by the other end, after it comes out of the tracking system in
question.  It would need to store ticket number associations for future
emails, possibly in a database table.  You could attach this script to a
special email alias just for this purpose on both ends, which then generates
a new email with the desired subject line to the real email address for the
tracking system.

-- ============================
   Tom Lahti
   BIT Statement LLC

   (425)251-0833 x 117
-- ============================

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