On Mon, 2009-06-08 at 09:20 -0400, Jesse Vincent wrote:

> RT 3.8 has a built-in Scrip which should take care of this for you once
> it's taught to recognize the subject tags from altiris. 
> You want to look at the documentation for ExtractSubjectTagMatch in your
> RT_Config.pm

This looks like exactly what I'm after, however I'm been playing with it
for a few hours now and can't seem to get it working.

I have the following in my RT_SiteConfig.pm file:

Set( $ExtractSubjectTagMatch, qr/Incident \#\d+ has/);

Thinking it should match the header from Altiris which is something
like, 'Medium Incident #111 has been reassigned to somebody'. I also
ensured the Global script for the On Transaction Extract Subject Tag was
present and enabled. But still no joy. Any email from Altiris creates a
new ticket for us, and the emails outbound for Altiris still contain the
RT tagging.

Am I missing something stupid or is there another way I can turn off the
subject tagging for email to a certain address?




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