Hi Jason,

We use something similar that you can probably mod as needed. If a queue admin replies to a ticket with an "OK", the owner is set to the sender and the ticket is resolved. We use the Priority field of tickets as a workflow tag; in this case, assigning it a value of 20 triggers another scrip that sends out the "resolved" e-mail. I don't record the Owner or Status transactions because I don't want either to trigger any other scrips (the Priority transaction will trigger the Resolved scrip).

Here's what I use:
// Custom condition
{ ### True if e-mail contains 'ok' - sets owner, pri => 20
  my $Ticket = $self->TicketObj;
  my $Transaction = $self->TransactionObj;
  my $CreatorId = $Transaction->CreatorObj->Id;
  my $Queue = $self->TicketObj->QueueObj;
  my $val = $Transaction->Type eq 'Correspond'
         && $Queue->IsAdminCc($CreatorId)
         && $Transaction->Content  =~ /\bok\s/i;
  return $val;

// Custom preparation code
return 1;

// Custom cleanup code
### Set priority to 20 to show complete, status to 'resolved'
my $Ticket = $self->TicketObj;
my $Transaction = $self->TransactionObj;
my $CreatorId = $Transaction->CreatorObj->Id;
my $NewPri = 20;
$Ticket->_Set(Field=>'Owner', Value=>$CreatorId, RecordTransaction=>0);
$Ticket->_Set(Field => 'Status', Value => 'resolved', RecordTransaction => 0);


On 3/23/2010 8:11 PM, Jason Clarke wrote:
Hi list,

I'm looking for some guidance on setting up a scrip to provide a odd bit
of functionality.

1) New email comes in.
2) Auto assigned to queue.
3) Auto-response goes to requester
4) Auto-notification goes to watchers
5) Watcher responds via email (thunderbird/outlook etc)
6) RT pushes response to requester
7) Custom Scrip sees that 5) came from a static list (or list of users
in RT) and resolves the ticket.

Links to documentation or even a code sample would be greatly
appreciated. I've gone through wiki.bestpractical.com without much
success, but if there is "THE" page there, please link me :)

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