Thanks Garry -

I was able to find everything I asked for!

New question:

How/where would I fit:

<textarea name="Message" id="Message" class="Field300" rows="8"

<div id="SearchResults"></div>

into the actual RT code:

<td colspan="6">
<&|/l&>Describe the issue below</&>:<br />
% $m->callback( %ARGS, QueueObj => $QueueObj, CallbackName =>
'BeforeMessageBox' );
% if (exists $ARGS{Content}) {
<& /Elements/MessageBox, Default => $ARGS{Content}, IncludeSignature => 0 &>
% } else {
<& /Elements/MessageBox, QuoteTransaction => $QuoteTransaction &>
% $m->callback( %ARGS, QueueObj => $QueueObj, CallbackName =>
'AfterMessageBox' );

<br />

I want to keep the page exactly the same, and not mess up anything with any
database interaction -- but I'd love to have this ARS from
the knowledge base pop up!
Max McGrath
Asst. Network Admin/Systems Specialist
Carthage College

On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 2:48 AM, G.Booth <> wrote:

>  Hi Max
>> The html is held in several areas
>> You will need to copy /opt/rt3/share/html/Elements/header to
>> /opt/rt3/local/html/Elements/ for the header section
>> and
>> /opt/rt3/share/html/Ticket/Create.html to /opt/rt3/local/html/Ticket for
>> the body.
> Hi Max
> Just to add, the Header file is used by more than just Create.html. If you
> want your modifcations to only appear in Create.html and not in say
> Modify.html, change the name of the Header file in
> /opt/rt3/local/html/Elements to HeaderCreate (or whatever you fancy) and
> then modify your local Create.html so the first line of code (afer the Best
> Practical blurb):
> <& /Elements/Header,
> now reads
> <& /Elements/HeaderCreate,
> regards
> Garry
RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

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