Hi vivian

the charset of the email from outlook is set to "gb2312", which only contains
simplified chinese characters, if you want to use traditional chinese too,
you need to set the outgoing charset to "utf8" or at least "gbk" in outlook.

best wishes

On 10-11-23 12:37, Vivian Lee wrote:
> Hi,
> I work with Brian at Trident Microsystems.  The followings are the examples 
> of our issues.  Hopefully, with the screen shots you would be able to see the 
> issues more clearly and could point us to the right direction to solve this 
> issue.   Thanks.
> These are the Chinese characters sent from Outlook email to RT:
> 法新社倫敦11日電) 交易商說,在供應吃緊、需求預期會增加的帶動下,世界原油價格今天逼近每桶90美元。這是世界油價兩年多來首度逼近這個價位。
> 倫敦北海布侖特原油12月交割價一度攀上每桶89.70美元,為兩年來最高價位,並是2008年10月以來首度逼近90美元關卡。
> 這項期貨後來回跌至89.47美元,但仍較昨天收盤價上漲51美分。
> This is how they are displayed in RT:
> [cid:image001.png@01CB8B0A.6B836C60]
> As you can see some Chinese characters are shown in boxes and special 
> characters.  We have done some testing and it seems that Simplified Chinese 
> characters are ok.  Only the Traditional Chinese characters are having issues.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Vivian
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Thompson
> Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 9:53 AM
> To: Jesse Vincent
> Cc: Vick Khera; RT Users
> Subject: RE: [rt-users] RT & Chinese Characters?
> Is there a list of Chinese Traditional fonts that work with RT available so 
> that we can make sure we're using one that works?
> Thanks!,
> Brian
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jesse Vincent [mailto:je...@bestpractical.com]
> Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 9:47 AM
> To: Brian Thompson
> Cc: Vick Khera; RT Users
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] RT & Chinese Characters?
> On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 09:45:15AM -0800, Brian Thompson wrote:
> > Thank you for the confirmation.  Follow-up question if you know:  How might 
> > an organization ensure that users of Chinese Traditional characters always 
> > use a font that works with RT?
> That's a platform-dependent question. It might be that you need to install 
> the relevant language support for your platform. I recall this being an issue 
> on some installs of Windows XP.

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